
My name is Daisy Finch and I’m an astrologer living on the island of Maui, Hawaii.

From a young age I was aware of the unseen world. I heard voices as a child and was taken by my parents to a meditation center for guidance and support. While working at a crystal shop as a teenager, I was exposed to various spiritual practices including astrology.  As astrology popped up over the years, I was always in awe of how right-on and accurate it could be. 

After high school I got a scholarship for guitar to Arizona State. At this time, my Mother passed away. I was 18. I left school and found myself learning to guide boats through whitewater rapids on the Colorado river. This was a time of adventure, as well as a time for healing and connecting to my Mother. My Father urged me to obtain a college degree and I moved to Northern California to study geology. At the time, rocks seemed like the only thing I could actually spend 4 plus years of my life studying. I received a Bachelor’s of science in geology from Humboldt State university in 2000.

Later in life I faced some very challenging years which included abandonment, caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s, an abusive relationship, and taking care of two young children as a single Mom.

I turned to many forms of healing and therapy along the way and it was astrology that was my guiding light through it all. The more I learned, the deeper understanding I had of the cycles and themes I was experiencing. By learning more about myself and others, I was able to be more compassionate and accepting. I found it to be the best tool for navigating the rivers of life.

As a scientist, I was continually looking for evidence that astrology was indeed real. After years of study I came to understand that astrology is an ancient tradition of knowledge that has been passed down through generations for thousands of years. It turns out that astrology is ancient wisdom that is an incredibly useful tool in modern life.

One day, sitting on my bed with a stack of astrology books, I realized what my true purpose in life was. It felt like Christmas! I knew that I was meant to help others by sharing astrological insight in order to facilitate healing and charting a course for the navigation of life. 

I personally enjoy learning more about astrology everyday. Each night, my family and I look at the sky observing the rhythms and cycles of the planets. It has become a meaningful tradition that connects us to the natural world and the magic of the universe. 

I hope to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself. I am here to support, guide and uplift you through whatever currents of life you find yourself. I consult with clients in person or via the magic of the internet. I have lived on the island of Maui for 21 years and have a deep respect for the island and Hawaiian culture. I have a desire to help others, and look forward to discovering the unique layers that make up your cosmic blueprint. 



Adam Sommer  Certified completion of 1-on-1 Apprenticeship program and continued 1-on-1 studies (January 2019-Present)

Certified Completion of Adam Elenbaas' Nightlight Astrology Course, Year One.

Kelly Surtees, mentoring groups, and numerous workshops and courses on ancient Hellenistic timing techniques. 

The New Paradigm School for Astrology  - numerous workshops and courses (2016-2019)

Life Coaching 

Certified completion of ICF-accredited Beautiful You Coaching Academy course (2016)


B.S. Geology, Humboldt State University